Josh Well, PhD student with Dr Jillian Labadz at Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst campus was honoured to be invited to speak recently on the research he is conducting on Natural Flood Management. His research is being applauded internationally, putting him, Brackenhurst and flooding in Southwell firmly in the forefront of NFM evidence-based research. The… Read more »
FRAMES project – background information
Here are two references on how FRAMES works INTERREG FRAMES information Trent Rivers Trust on FRAMES
Working with natural processes to reduce flood risk
Here are the Environment Agency’s documents on “The evidence base for working with natural processes to reduce flood risk” Brackenhurst’s project is mentioned on page 62 of the Evidence Directory
Flood Re Local Heroes Awards – 28th November 2017
An action-packed day for Southwell Flood Forum The invitations arrived… On the way ….over Westminster Bridge Therese Coffey, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, spoke of Government plans and the Flood Re initiative. Andy Bord, Chief Executive of Flood Re spoke further about the improved insurance situation… Read more »
National Flood Forum – Bulletin November 2017 – communities working to take control of flooding
The National Flood Forum works in communities and with partners to support people at risk from flooding, and should flooding occur, to help them recover. Communities lie at the centre of this and throughout this bulletin there are examples of people working to take control of the flooding in their lives, as well as some… Read more »
The Rivers Trust Autumn Conference 2017 – Natural Flood Risk Management
Jacky Huson (SFF), Liz Walker (SFF), Jillian Labadz (NTU Brackenhurst), Josh Wells (NTU Brackenhurst) attended this event on November 9th 2017. Sadly our Chair Tim Farr couldn’t attend. Representatives from Nottinghamshire County Council who are working in partnership on the FRAMES project also attended. The conference theme was ‘Can the catchment-based approach (CaBa) bring community… Read more »
EA feature Brackenhurst’s Natural Flood Management research
The Environment Agency has produced documents on Working with Natural Processes to reduce flood risk. Nottingham Trent University’s Brackenhurst campus’ research on Natural Flood Management has been included as one of the case studies. The research continues and further work on NFM in Southwell is planned.
Flood project gets ministerial backing
A project to help prevent severe flooding in Southwell has been backed by a Government minister. Therese Coffey, a minister in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, told Southwell’s MP, Mr Robert Jenrick, the project represented good value for money and was very likely to be approved.] Read more
Cities, Flood proofing and resilience
A futuristic view of flooding proofing urban environments They call it “pave, pipe, and pump”: the mentality that has dominated urban development for over a century. Along with the explosion of the motorcar in the early 20th century came paved surfaces. Rainwater – instead of being sucked up by plants, evaporating, or filtering through the… Read more »
Calls for flood money figure
Southwell Town Council has been criticised for not yet agreeing how much money it will provide for flood defences in the town. Newark and Sherwood District Council has committed £220,000. The government has pledged £720,000; Nottinghamshire County Council £600,000; and the community itself, through the leadership of Southwell Flood Forum, is looking to raise £125,000…. Read more »