On 10th September 2013 the Southwell Community came together at a meeting in the Minster, under the umbrella of the newly established Southwell Flood Forum. Many of those present signed up to help do what ever it takes to ensure that the town does not suffer a repeat of the flood of 23rd July. Some residents had not long been back in their homes following the flood event of 25th June 2007, since when nothing had been done to limit the risk from another flood event.
The Forum gathered enormous momentum, bringing the Flood Risk Authorities to task and working with them to achieve solutions to the multiple sources and routes of flood waters, culminating in a comprehensive report and recommendations. Hundreds of volunteers, continue to bring their knowledge, expertise and disciplines in: Flood Alleviation, Watercourse Management, Emergency Planning, Administration, IT and more.
Southwell is not the only place where flooding is a serious issue. Flood mitigation measures are costly and will not be met wholly from public sources. Public funds across the country are reducing just as demand for spending on flood mitigation is at its highest. Some of the funding will therefore have to be found from within the community and we will need to demonstrate our willingness to help ourselves.
Purpose of the Flood Fund
The Southwell Flood Fund will be used to contribute to the funding of flood defence and mitigation measures within the area covered by Southwell Flood Forum. The primary purpose is to be able to help match-fund, as and when required, authorised flood mitigation measures. Once the recommended flood mitigation measures are secured the Flood Fund may be used:
- to maintain and improve watercourses and flood defences, including environmentally friendly measures such as planting and management of trees, removal of invasive species and works deemed necessary by the Flood Risk Authorities;
- to award grants to help, in case of hardship, residents with some of the cost of installing approved personal home protection, where engineered mitigation schemes do not afford security from flood;
- to support the Community Emergency Planning Team e.g. to purchase essential equipment and training.
The Fundraising Campaign
We need new ideas, old ideas, those who did not flood as much as those who did, we need individuals, young and old, families and whole streets, we need clubs and societies, schools, churches, businesses to play your part. Think of an idea, tell your friends, spread the word and see what happens. Please do let us know so we can help publicise your fundraising event.
“The Rain Came Down”
The Song for Southwell came about from a simple idea to inject a bit fun into what was becoming a long dark winter after the flood. View the words, download the music and listen to the song…
Contact us
Telephone: 01623 819233 Email: fundraising@southwellfloodforum.org.uk The Southwell Flood Fund is managed on behalf of Southwell Flood Forum by Nottinghamshire Community Foundation www.nottscf.org.uk Nottinghamshire Community Foundation is a Registered Charity No. 1069538