National Flood Forum has been arranging a series of zoom meetings during lockdown with a series of expert speakers.
Topics covered a range of relevant topics including ‘Working with local Councils’, ‘Weather forecasting’, ‘Digital maps’, ‘Riparian owners and management’, ‘Natural Flood Management’, ‘Working with water companies’, ‘Planning framework’, ‘SUDS and adoption’.
These have been immensely useful and have involved flood groups throughout the country. Most zoom meetings have been attended by 25-30 groups.
This has been invaluable – usually we only meet other flood action groups and expert speakers at the NFF Annual conference – the last one was in March 2020 just days before lockdown!
It’s very empowering to hear about other groups’ activities and get ideas on how they cope in their community, work with authorities etc.
Some of the meetings are now on the NFF Youtube channel.