Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Emergency Planning, Flood Mitigation, FRAMES, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University, Trent Rivers Trust, Watercourse Clearing.

This is usually a national two-day event at Telford and Tim Farr and Jacky Huson attended in 2017 when Tim was invited to give a presentation on Southwell Flood Forum and be on a panel.

This year they are offering a series of webinars, the first of which is Creating Climate Resilient Places.

These digital sessions will take place from the first October 13th through to June 29th 2021 when the next face-to-face conference will take place in Telford.

We are delighted that Jacky Huson was invited to join the panel representing a community group at the Flood and Coast Conference alongside other notable people in the flood world on October 13th.

It is a recognition of the hard work of volunteers and residents who have worked alongside the Risk Management Authorities to obtain support and the best possible outcome for reducing flood risk in our town.

It’s an ongoing project – long-term maintenance and sustainability is key for an enduring legacy of this work.

Here is the event review

Here’s a download of the follow up questions and answers to the panel

Here is an edited video of the webinar



How Natural Flood Management improved flood-risk resilience in Southwell

Posted & filed under Flood Mitigation, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University, SuDS, Trent Rivers Trust.

The Southwell FRAMES Pilot Trent Rivers Trust (TRT) led the Southwell Pilot project, which sought to improve flood resilience in Southwell through natural flood management (NFM) intervention and community engagement. During its three-year lifespan Southwell’s FRAMES project improved flood-risk resilience in the present day and for the future. On Trent Rivers Trust website you can… Read more »

Barriers to the uptake and implementation of natural flood management

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, FRAMES, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University, Trent Rivers Trust.

Josh Wells has just completed his PhD on flooding in Southwell at Nottingham Trent University and as part of his research, implemented many natural flood management interventions on Brackenhurst’s upland catchment land. He was subsequently employed by Trent Rivers Trust in the FRAMES project and has implemented many more NFM interventions in the upland catchment… Read more »

Taking measures to tackle flooding in Southwell

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, FRAMES, In The Press, Nottingham Trent University, Trent Rivers Trust.

A muddy field at the highest point overlooking Southwell Minster is the scene of the latest moves in the £4.5m scheme to avoid a repeat of the torrents of water that flooded the town in the summer of 2013. Read more in the Newark Advertiser article about Josh Wells’ work with Trent Rivers Trust on… Read more »

Working with Natural Processes – the evidence behind Natural Flood Management

Posted & filed under Blog, Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University.

The Environment Agency organised a series of 14 NFM Roadshows throughout the country. Some delegates from Southwell Flood Forum attended the East Midlands event on 29th May 2018. Here is the programme with links to each of the presentations – which includes one from Josh Wells, PhD student at Brackenhurst. Josh has since built on… Read more »

Southwell Flood Alleviation Scheme Summary – April 2018

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, FRAMES, In The Press, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University, Trent Rivers Trust.

Read below or click to download the Southwell Flood Alleviation Scheme Summary Spring 2018  which was distributed via the Bramley newspaper on 4th May 2018. SOUTHWELL FLOOD ALLEVIATION SCHEME UPDATE April 2018 General The Southwell Flood Forum (“SFF”) and Nottinghamshire County Council (“NCC”) believe that it is important that the people of Southwell, and especially… Read more »

Brackenhurst ‘s presentation at “Working with Natural Processes: The Evidence Behind Natural Flood Management”

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University.

Josh  Well, PhD student with Dr Jillian Labadz at Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst campus was honoured to be invited to speak recently on the research he is conducting on Natural Flood Management. His research is being applauded internationally, putting him, Brackenhurst and flooding in Southwell firmly in the forefront of NFM evidence-based research.           The… Read more »