Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, SuDS.

Core members of the Southwell Flood Forum Holger Kessler, Rob Fisher and Jacky Huson had a great day with year 4 pupils and teachers at Lowes Wong School, Southwell on 4th March when we gave an afternoon’s session on flooding to each of the three classes.

The school grounds are at the highest point in Southwell so it is an ideal site in the ‘mini’ catchment for the north side of town for natural flood management. In was installed by Nottinghamshire County Council’s contractors VIA East Midlands a few years ago with a variety of SuDS features to Slow the Flow.

We were delighted to be invited by the school to follow on from their curriculum lessons in the Autumn term on the  Nile flooding. Storm Babet happened about the same time so the pupils were interested to learn more about flooding in their local town.

Jacky talked through her experiences of being flooded and how the Southwell Flood Forum was set up to represent the community’s interests and collaborate with the risk management authorities to help determine the most effective interventions to reduce flood risk. Jacky also explained how the Forum has helped to build community resilience and changed how we now are more prepared and alert to our role in keeping Southwell safe when flood events happen.

Holger described the water cycle, catchments and walked round the school grounds to explain how the features helped to slow the flow and reduce the risk of flooding to the north area of Southwell.

Rob Fisher who has recently retired from his role in Nottinghamshire County Council as Emergency Planning Manager and now volunteers with the SFF gave the pupils a version of the Water safety presentation that is used to train Flood Wardens.

The teachers have already booked the sessions to be repeated every Autumn term with year 4 pupils.

Future flood resilient citizens or even Flood Risk Managers and Engineers in the making!!

Photos of the presentations,  Slow the Flow design and work during construction

Jacky in class

Jacky showing her presentation in class

2024_03_04 Rob fisher pres'n slide

Rob Fisher’s presentation about keeping safe during flood events

Holger pond for FB

Holger Kessler explained the water cycle, how flooding happens and how the ‘Slow the Flow’ works on Lowes Wong School site works to help reduce flood risk ‘downstream’ on Kirklington Road, Ropewalk and Lower Kirklington Road.









Lowes Wong Slow the Flow design
















Lowes Wong Shallow Attenuation Ponds construction Lowes Wong Shallow Attenuation basins



Lowes Wong Main Western raingardens Lowes Wong Lower Storm ponds




National Flood Forum webinars

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Emergency Planning, Flood Mitigation, insurance - Flood Re, National Flood Forum Bulletins, Natural Flood Management, Planning, SuDS.

National Flood Forum has been arranging a series of zoom meetings during lockdown with a series of expert speakers. Topics covered a range of relevant topics including ‘Working with local Councils’, ‘Weather forecasting’, ‘Digital maps’, ‘Riparian owners and management’, ‘Natural Flood Management’, ‘Working with water companies’, ‘Planning framework’, ‘SUDS and adoption’. These have been immensely useful… Read more »

How Natural Flood Management improved flood-risk resilience in Southwell

Posted & filed under Flood Mitigation, Natural Flood Management, Nottingham Trent University, SuDS, Trent Rivers Trust.

The Southwell FRAMES Pilot Trent Rivers Trust (TRT) led the Southwell Pilot project, which sought to improve flood resilience in Southwell through natural flood management (NFM) intervention and community engagement. During its three-year lifespan Southwell’s FRAMES project improved flood-risk resilience in the present day and for the future. On Trent Rivers Trust website you can… Read more »