Flood Protection Certificates

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Insurance, insurance - Flood Re.

This is a new initiative proposed by Flood Re who have commissioned a report on developing a blueprint for how Flood Protection Certificates can support household climate resilience. They would be intended to be a document for the homeowner and any potential purchasers or renters of the property which sets out the severity of its… Read more »

A potential reduction in insurance for households in flood-prone areas

Posted & filed under Community Resilience, In The Press, Insurance, insurance - Flood Re.

On the 1st October 2018, FloodRe announced that from the 1st January 2019, they will be reducing the levy they charge to insurance companies. It is believed the upcoming reduction will result in a reduction in the cost of flood insurance cover for those living in areas of the UK that have a significant risk… Read more »

Flood Re – New insurers on board

Posted & filed under Blog, Insurance, insurance - Flood Re.

New insurers have become accredited to offer Flood Re including Ageas, Oak and Allianz. Check out Flood Re insurer page to see the list of insurers that are signed up to provide Flood Re to homes across the UK. Full list of insurers here Flood Re in action Flood Re is keen to hear how… Read more »

Community Resilience Day – 15th May – everyone welcome

Posted & filed under Blog, Community Resilience, Emergency Planning, Events, Insurance, Nottingham Trent University, The University of Nottingham Community Participation Workshops.

“Supporting a Resilient Southwell” event will take place between 10:30 and  16:00 on Sunday 15th May 2016 at Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst campus See information about the talks, speakers and training sessions here   This day will be of interest for everyone, not only those at risk at flooding, but for all who could be… Read more »