Posted & filed under Blog, Community Resilience, Events, FRAMES, Natural Flood Management, Trent Rivers Trust.

Town Meeting – Wednesday 20th March 2019 – 18.30 to 20.00 – Southwell Library

This is organised by Southwell Town Council as part of their regular Council meeting schedule and will have a particular focus on flooding issues.

Southwell Flood Forum
SFF will be giving a presentation on the Southwell Road Closure Scheme and Communications Hub – this will explain

  • why this scheme has been devised
    how it might affect you
    how you can help its smooth operation
    the role of the Councillors in the Communications Hub

It will be an opportunity to meet some of the Road Closure Wardens who volunteer in your neighbourhood.

This INTERREG project funded by the North Sea Region European Regional Development fund has two streams.

a) Josh Wells, Project Officer with Trent Rivers Trust will talk briefly on his projects on natural flood management.
b) Shani Lambert, Southwell Flood Project Officer with National Flood Forum has a prior commitment and is unable to come to the meeting, so we itemise the projects she is developing on community resilience.
This may whet your appetite for the more detailed, dedicated presentation Josh and Shani are doing on Wednesday 3rd April (see below)


Southwell Flood Alleviation Scheme

Tim Farr Chair of Southwell Flood Forum will give an update on the SFAS with an opportunity for questions from residents.

Councillors will continue with their full Council meeting afterwards in the library meeting room.