Posted & filed under Bramley Newspaper, Community Resilience, Flood Mitigation, Planning, Potwell Dyke Flood Group.

Representatives from Nottinghamshire County Council, VIA East Midlands Ltd and other key agencies will be present for a Southwell Community Flood Mitigation drop in session on Thursday 16th May at Southwell Library. There will be an overview of the projects that have been completed on flood risk management in Southwell since the flood event in 2013. Information will be provided hon the difference it has made to reduce the flood risk, plus the remaining work which includes the design and timescale for Potwell Dyke alleviation.
In the light of climate change, experience gained following the impact of Babet and Henk, plus improved knowledge on flooding, Nottinghamshire County Council is looking at new ways to deal with this increasing problem.
Do come along to find out more, ask your questions, air any concerns and meet members of Southwell Flood Forum core committee.