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Guidelines for use of the digital map – launched May 2021 – under construction and open to revision based on information from residents

Presentation on the Guidelines for navigating the digital map

Click the layer icon to bring up the ‘menu’ of map layers

Navigate to Southwell (it opens centred on Lowdham) and zoom in to the area you want to look at

Click on the arrow to open up the sub-layers

Click on the ‘eye’ icon to open one or more of the layers you want to see – it’s best to only have two or three open at a time

Southwell specific layers are under ‘Other info’

Click << to condense the layer menu

‘Base’ layers provided by organisations

TVIDB – Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board – shows the watercourses they’re responsible for

Internal Drainage Board Area – area of IDB responsibility

EA: Risk of Flooding from Rivers etc

Land Registry parcels – this may take a while to load

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) DTM (Digital Terrain Model) – a very accurate terrain model of the earth’s surface with ground cover features, such as buildings and vegetation cover removed

a) Elevation – colours represent heights above sea level

b) Hillshade – 3D representation of contours

Southwell Map layers

Watercourses – includes ditches (dry and wet) and culverted waterways

Catchment – the area that drains into Southwell watercourses

Drainage infrastructure – bridges. culverts

SuDS features on developments – Sustainable Drainage Systems – designed to control the flow of surfacewater from the development into the urban drainage system

Natural Flood Management – interventions, generally in the upper catchment area, designed to ‘slow the flow’ of run-off from higher land down into the urban area. Bunds, attenuation areas, woody debris barriers etc

SFAS mitigation measures – Southwell Flood Alleviation Scheme – engineered interventions to improve surfacewater drainage systems, mediate high flows in watercourses

NCC Flood risk assets