Property Flood Resilience – Drop in sessions
Wednesday 15th and 22nd May – 2.30 to 7.30pm
Admiral Rodney, King Street, Southwell.
The Southwell Flood Alleviation Scheme is moving forward and one of the initial proposals to be implemented is to design and install Property Flood Resilience measures for a number of homes to help protect them against future flooding.
This work is being joint funded by Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) and DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and will be delivered by a specialist contractor, Whitehouse Construction, on behalf of NCC.
These Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures are designed to complement several other flood mitigation proposals within the town which include both natural and engineered solutions. These are being developed for delivery and will be discussed with the community in due course.
NCC has arranged drop-in sessions for Whitehouse Construction to discuss PFR in more detail and make appointments for flood risk surveys with residents who have received Southwell PFR letters from NCC.
The sessions are focussed primarily for those residents but NCC has confirmed that other residents who were affected by flooding are welcome to attend to find out more about the progress on the design of flood mitigation proposals throughout town.
There will also be representation from Nottinghamshire County Council’s Flood Risk Management Team, Via East Midlands, Trent Rivers Trust and the National Flood Forum to help answer any additional queries you have.