Posted & filed under Blog, FRAMES, Lower Trent & Erewash Catchment, Natural Flood Management, Trent Rivers Trust.

Two articles in this Trent Rivers Trust News January 2018 are included about Southwell Flood Forum.

One of the partners in the FRAMES project is Trent Rivers Trust, and we are in the catchment area covered by Lower Trent and Erewash Catchment Partnership

The Lower Trent and Erewash is a very large sub-catchment of the River Trent, starting on the Trent downstream of Burton and finishing at Alkborough Flats where the Trent flows into the Humber Estuary.

The objective of Catchment Partnerships is to promote a ‘Catchment Based Approach’. This approach encourages organisations to manage land and water in an integrated way, by identifying the pressures on the water environment, by working together to agree common objective and by implementing solutions. To achieve this requires understanding and cooperation across a great number of individuals and organisations.