Posted & filed under Community Resilience, Potwell Dyke Flood Group, Watercourse Clearing.

Storm overflows are safety valves built into the combined sewer system to discharge excess sewage to rivers, lakes, or the sea when rainfall exceeds capacity.

The deadline for comments is: 12th May 2022.

The consultation website states:

‘Tackling storm overflows in England is a government priority. It is an issue which has received significant public attention and the government is firmly committed to a step change on action to protect public health and the environment from storm overflow discharges. We intend to produce a Storm Overflow Discharge Reduction Plan by September 2022, as required by the Environment Act 2021, to outline our vision. This will set clear and enforceable targets that the water industry must meet. This consultation seeks views on the targets and other core elements of the Plan in advance of its publication’.

Here is the website to take part through an online survey: