Posted & filed under Blog, Community Resilience, Events.

Clean for The Queen is a campaign to clear up Britain in time for Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday, which will be officially celebrated in June 2016.

“When she came to the throne, litter was not the problem that it is today.

Food packaging, plastic bottles, takeaway meals and cigarette butts have all contributed to a growing menace that affects our wildlife, streets, countryside and sense of pride.

What better way could we show our gratitude to Her Majesty than to clean up our country?”

This initiative fits perfectly with our need to keep Southwell pavements and roads clear of litter and debris in order to allow rainwater to flow freely into drains and watercourses and keep drains clearer.

This national campaign from 4th to 6th March 2016, to clear up the UK, also coincides very well with Southwell Flood Forum’s preparations for the “Supporting a Resilient Southwell” event on Sunday 15th May at Brackenhurst.

March 6th also coincides with Mothering Sunday, but the whole weekend is designated as ‘Clean for the Queen’, so you can ‘do your bit’ any time over the weekend – or, indeed any time during the year when necessary.

Do join this initiative to clear Southwell pavements and roads of litter and debris during this national “Clean for The Queen” weekend – perhaps take ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos and send to us

Keeping drains, roads and pavements clear outside our houses

  • keeps our lovely town looking attractive to live in and visit
  • shows we take pride in our surroundings
  • avoids the build-up of debris
  • allows rainwater to flow freely into drains
  • reduces our flood risk

Take a look around your area and in town and make a note of where might benefit from a clean-up – such as a build-up of leaves, debris, grit and litter, particularly areas around gullies and where cars are regularly parked.

You may decide to……

  • clean the pavement and road outside your house…or
  • get together with a a group of friends and neighbours (you may opt to *register with CFTQ but that’s not necessary) to clean your street …or
  • *register with CFTQ a group you belong to and encourage them to arrange a working party to clean a non-residential area of town or roads that otherwise wouldn’t be cleaned on that day

PLEASE be aware of Health and Safety and working close to moving traffic – see Clean for the Queen guidelines