Posted & filed under Blog, Flood Mitigation, Halam Hill Flood Group.

Work has now started to replace the Trash Screen at the corner of Allenby Road and Halam Hill Road. The council are taking away the existing vertical screen and digging out the ditch further to the next manhole which is on the corner of Allenby Road. A new graduated Trash Screen will then be installed. This will greatly alleviate the catchment of any rubbish or undergrowth which flows down the stream.

The next job is to take measures to ensure all the water enters the ditch which will then flow directly into the nearby balancing pond rather than heading towards Hopkiln Lane and Dudley Doy areas. We do need volunteers to regularly check this ditch to ensure it is kept clear of rubbish and facilitate the flow of water into the balancing pond and away from Dudley Doy and Hopkiln Lane so please contact us if you can undertake this. Perhaps we could get a couple of teams going. The ditch from Cooks Lane down to Allenby Road where the new trash screen has been fitted is in the process of being cleared.