The day after the flooding. Nottingham Road and Normanton Road (featured later in the video).
The day after the flooding. Nottingham Road and Normanton Road (featured later in the video).
Showing thunderstorms developing and moving north across the UK on July 23rd 2013.
More information on the Met Office web site…
Soon after the flooding started on 23rd July2013
2019NottsRoadFromNew MinsterSchool
2030SchoolEntrance in deep water
23/07/2013 Nottingham Road Outside Leisure Centre by Peter Somerville
20.13 Potwell Dyke along Nott rd
23/07/2013 Looking for the plug? by Peter Bristow
23/07/2013 Garden and drive on Nottingham Road looking toward Minster School by Peter Bristow
23/07/2013 Garden and drive on Nottingham Road looking toward Minster School (normal) by Peter Bristow
Garden of house opposite Co-op
23/07/2013 Potwell Dyke, The Park by Peter Cartwright
23/07/2013 Potwell Dyke, The Park by Peter Cartwright
23/07/2013 @ 18:49 Before the Dyke burst by Josephine French
23/07/2013 @ 19:42 by Josephine French
23/07/2013 @ Flood Church Street by Stewart Todd
23/07/2013 Church Street by Peter Cartwright
23/07/2013 @ 20:26 By the Bramley Apply Pub by Joseph Rollerson
23/07/2013 @ 20:26 By the Bramley Apply Pub by Joseph Rollerson
23/07/2013 @ 21:17 Outside 67 Church Street by Andrew Wimble
23/07/2013 @ 21:17 Outside 67 Church Street by Andrew Wimble
23/07/2013 @ 21:23 Water going down Church Street by Stewart Todd
21.45 newark rd looking towards east(BP)