The town has been divided up into ‘huddles’ based around a group of road closure points

NOTT huddle map Sept 2019

NOTT -1a, 2, 5, 7 (2 is outside Brackenhurst)

Lead Warden:

Robin Williams –, 07770 336514


west huddle map

WEST – 4, 6, 8

Lead Warden:

Roy Sharp –, 07941 307649


HALM huddle map Sept 2019

HALM – 9

Lead Warden – Ben Huson –, 07974 744796


KIRK huddle map sept 2019

KIRK – 10, 11, 12

Lead Warden:

Richard Harvey –, 01636 816842


lkr huddle maps working

LKR – 13, 14

Lead Wardens:

Richard Woodward –, 07532 296150

Mark Rees –, 07944 658766


stn huddle map

STN – 15, 16

Lead Wardens:

Andy Weaver –, 07805 029327


NEW huddle map

NEW – 17, 18

Lead Wardens:

Colin Boulter –, 07714 711500

Ian Robinson –, 07597 798937


chet huddle map

CHET –  19, 20

Lead Warden:

Stephen Rogers –, 07483 220274


These maps illustrate the complex nature of the road closure scheme – to save lives, protect property and cars.

Here is the layout of the road signage that will be deployed

road closure signs - layout


NEW huddle erected a storage shed for some of the road signs – on the hottest day of the year!

Step by step – from transporting to its location, interpreting the instructions, a man and his drill to loading it and feeling proud of a good job done.

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